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    * Fixed an extremely obscure bug which was affecting the mailbox
      scan; if the first physical message in the message base was
      addressed to a particular user, then none of that user's mail
      would ever show up in a mailbox scan!

    * RA now correctly inserts both the TOPT and FMPT netmail kludge

    * A type 47 (make log entry) no longer causes RA to output four
      blank lines when auto-executed.

    * Fixed a bug which was causing multiple user file entries and
      corruptions when shelling out of a NEWUSERx.A?? text file.

    * When a user's time limit is adjusted downwards to accommodate
      an approaching event, normally that time is re-awarded at logoff.
      However, if a type 15 (exit to DOS) command was used at any time
      during that logon, that time would not be re-awarded correctly;
      this has been fixed.

    * Fixed that REAL annoying bug that made the internal message editor
      produce the occasional word which had its first character doubled
      and the last character chopped off.

    * Previously, in the new user logon sequence, if the user answered
      "No" to the "Did you enter the above correctly" question, RA would
      not ask the user for a new location. This has been fixed.

    * RA now properly refuses duplicate uploads.

    * The "forward message" command no longer forces the use of the
      internal message editor even when the full screen editor is

    * RA will now properly terminate a call if a file transfer is in
      progress and a forced event occurs.

    * The password security watchdog now writes messages with the
      correct message number.

    * Found a really obscure bug in RAUSER which may well have been
      screwing up the COMBINED.BBS file.

    * RA no longer partially locks up if a user sends an online message
      to another user who is reading messages.

    * Fixed the problems RA had with sharing the nodelist with FrontDoor.

    * RA now waits for the FOSSIL buffer to flush before executing a
      shell either from a menu command or a textfile.

    * Fixed a bug which caused XFERTIME.A?? to be displayed whenever
      DNLDHRS.A?? was displayed.

    * Fixed the type 26 (delete message) menu command to allow users to
      delete their unexported echomail messages.

    * Recoded the upload credit factor calculations, and in the process
      eliminated a bug which caused the extra time awarded valud to be
      occasionally trashed.

    * Sometimes RA would sometimes allow a user to abort a textfile
      even when stop aborting had been disabled. This has been fixed.

    * RA no longer inserts a blank line in a file listing if a description
      wraps at column 80.

    * If a user's record was flagged as deleted, and then the same user
      logged back on again as a new user before the user file had been
      packed to remove the entry, that user would not be recognised as
      existing in the user file for subsequent logons. This has been fixed.                .

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson